Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 9/26/13

Approved on 10/9/13

Sharon Town Hall

Filmed by SCTV


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow, Chair 

Jane Desberg, Treasurer   

Keevin Geller - absent

Susan Rich - absent  

Stephen Rabinovitz

Anne Bingham  

Marc Bluestein - absent




Alice Cheyer

Carl Gladstone

Ben Puritz



Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM and said the main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Sacred Heart Park application.


Sacred Heart

Ms. Bingham expressed her opinion that she does not want the path to the dog park moved any closer to Cedar Street as she is concerned with vegetation being taken out.


Mr. Gladstone of the SHRC said that Chair Friedman had a conversation with Ben Puritz regarding berms. He said on the original plan the height of the berm was 3 feet high and that the Police Chief was concerned with not being able to see someone laying prone on the field due to lack of visibility from the berms. Also the Fire Chief needs access to the fields for emergency vehicles.


A question arose if the berms need to be mowed.


Ms. Desberg said she feels this conversation is more appropriate between the DPW and the Fire and Police Chiefs. It cannot be resolved in this meeting.


Ms. Bingham was also concerned with maintaining the Town’s investment and not allowing cars possible access to the fields. She also suggested including appropriate signage as well.


Ms. Desberg agreed that she wants cars kept off the field.


A discussion ensued as to using a split rail fence in the area near the cars instead of berms. Ms. Desberg suggested appropriating additional funds to cover the cost of the split rail fence and signage.


Mr. Rabinovitz also agreed that additional funds should be added to the requested dollar amount to include the split rail fence and signage.


Ms. Cheyer asked about the phase 1 appropriation and Chair Snow said the funds for phase 1 came from the undesignated funds. We were still paying for Horizons for Youth land purchase and had no funds in open space. He said the general bias is to consume the reserves with the idea to first eliminate use constraints so the remaining funds can give greater flexibility. This depletes buffers and offers maximum flexibility.


A conversation ensued amongst the committee members.


Ms. Bingham asked what the remaining dollar amounts were in each category. Chair Snow said that there is $183,000 in open space, $206,000 is being returned to the undesignated funds and the total balance in undesignated is approximately $956,000.


Ms. Bingham asked why the funds are not drawn from this pot of undesignated.


Chair Snow said that there are constraints from the state. They say they are giving us matching funds. He views the 10% allocation as a barrier to the Town achieving its will.


Chair Snow explained the balance flow and said anything can be done.


Ms. Bingham moved to conditionally approve the SHRC application of 9/19/13 to complete phase 2 of the recreational field on the Sacred Heart property with 3 conditions and that the proponents should return for a second vote with the answers to the three items below:

1.    A split rail fence is added to keep cars off.

2.    A plan is presented which reflects the current path to the dog park.

3.    The SHRC should consider appropriate signage for safe traffic circulation and parking.


At the next meeting, the Committee should ask for any additional funds to accommodate these changes.


Mr. Rabinovitz said we are not trying to tell them what to do but are offering financing for additional items.


Ms. Bingham suggested the funds be taken from the open space category.


Chair Snow seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor and wants the new items added to the proposal.


Mr. Gladstone said split rail fence was mentioned at the Selectmen’s meeting. He agrees that big SUV’s are not going to be stopped by small parking blocks. He suggested that perhaps two signs such as welcome to the dog park entrance and welcome to the park signs would be appropriate.


Ms. Bingham also requested a sign on East Foxboro. She suggested signs similar to those at Memorial Beach and Mr. Gladstone agreed.


Mr. Puritz arrived at the meeting and Mr. Gladstone reviewed the conditions that were discussed with him. Starting with the berms, Mr. Puritz said the height of the berms could impair the visibility for the police cruiser as the Chief expressed a reservation. He said we can look at other means to impede unauthorized access. It needs something to delineate it he said.



Ms. Desberg moved to approve the minutes of 9/19/13 as written. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor of approval.


CPA Membership

There were no objections to sign the $1,500.00 membership invoice for the CPA.



SHRC application


Next Meetings




Ms. Bingham moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM and Mr. Rabinovitz seconded the motion. The Committee voted 4-0-0 in favor.